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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

All it took was a Birthday

Today is my grandfather's birthday...72 years old (Grandfather M.)! I have had 25 wonderful years with my grandfather and I hope many many more to come. The odd thing: today is also my other grandfather's birthday as well (in heaven) Grandfather K. I can hardly believe how fast time flies. I can remember Grandfather K. standing at the end of a tobacco row with a soda and candy in his hands for us. He use to take my sister and I to his house to spend time with he and my grandmother. He always made sure we brought our Barbies with us. It seems just like yesterday I was playing with my cousins in the sandpit outside of my great grandparents home. Yes, this is the home that my 72 year old grandfather grew up in. Wow, how things have changed since then. I couldn't help but tear up just a bit when thinking back on all the years I have spent with my family. When I think about my life, everyone that has made a huge impact on me and how I was raised is apart of my family. Each one of my family members have done so much for me over the years and all I can think is "how truly blessed I am to have such a loving family". I know that neither of my grandfather's were perfect and at times I probably thought they were hard on me, but I am so thankful for that. They both are wonderful wonderful men who married and raised families. These two men raised my mom and dad. These two men are and will always be 2 of the most important men of my life. A flood of memories come to me even now that I am writing, and oh how precious these memories are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! I am definitely tearing up right now too! Change is hard and memories are bitter sweet. I wish sometimes I could just take that sand pit everywhere with me back when things seem "perfect." It's amazing to look back and see what all God has done and who He has placed in our lives to influence and mold us. This makes me thing of the hymn "Count your many blessings, name them one by one..and see what God hath done." I am so thankful too for our family and for you!! I love ya and thanks for sharing your heart!