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Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's Been Awhile

Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted, and time really goes by quickly. This past year has been full of many changes. To sum it all up:

What has occurred: I went from working in a medical environment, to going to school for 6 months, and back to a full time job with trucks. In our spare time, Matt and I have been going to car shows and hanging around the house. Hopefully, I will have time to post some pics from some of the car shows we have been to. We also changed churches and got another car. My sister and very close cousin (I should call a sister) got married. Matt's sister and husband had their first child and we are now first time aunt and uncle to a beautiful little girl.
What's been going on recently: We had our dog Lucy fixed and she is doing great. The car we got this year was for Matt's 30th birthday.
What's coming up: Matt purchased Cold Play tickets for my birthday, so we will be going to that on May 17th (Very Exciting). BIG 25!!

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